Senin, 21 November 2011

Owl City

Adam R Young atau lebih dikenal sebagai Adam Young merupakan a-one-man-band dibalik Owl City. Lahir 5 July 1988, berasal dari suatu kota kecil, Owatonna, di daerah Minessota, yang berhasil menempati top charts all over the world.
Adam yang memiliki problem dengan waktu tidurnya-insomnia. “The creative juices start flowing most when I’m lying awake with nothing to do. My mind is quiet, and my thoughts are collected, and that’s when I find that the ideas really start happening.” Adam memperjelas.
Tahun 2007, kekasih dari Ann Monson ini bekerja di sebuah gudang Coca Cola dan tinggal dengan orang tuanya (ayahnya seorang mekanik dan ibunya guru). Adam spend his time stay in his basement and making music.
Adam memulai project-project musiknya (sebelum Owl City) di MySpace. Seperti Windsor Airlift, Insect Airport, Port Blue, Seagull Orchestra, Swimming With Dolphins, Dolphin Park, The Grizzly and another his music project.
Owl City mengusung aliran elektronik/pop. Meraih “Top Unsigned Artist” di MySpace dengan pendengar lebih dari 10million. Sebelum akhirnya bekerjasama dengan Universal Republic di bulan Februari 2009.
Sebelum Ocean Eyes, Adam merilis 2 album (unsigned label) Of June tahun 2007 dan Maybe I’m Dreaming di tahun 2008.

“One of the things which got me interested in music as being ­aesthetically pleasing was the movie ­Finding Nemo, The music from that film is just so inspiring. It’s a testament to how well music can stand up on its own, when it’s written for something visually. That really made me stop and think: wow, this guy makes me feel like I wanna be able to do that for other people. I didn’t have any sort of structure, or an innate sense of direction that I wanted to go in lyrically, but I knew that I wanted to stand out from whatever else was floating around out there.”

Ketika ditanya mengenai inspirasi dan awal mulanya Adam bermusik. Fireflies sendiri mulai membawa nama Owl City, Fireflies menempati chart Billboard Hot 100 awal bulan September. Merangkak menempati posisi #1 di Billboard dan #1 charts di beberapa negara di dunia.
Matthew Thiessen dari Relient K cukup banyak membantu Adam dalam album Ocean Eyes ini. Kita bisa mendengar suara Matthew Thiessen dalam beberapa lagu di Ocean Eyes.
Selain itu, Adam membawa beberapa additional player yang merupakan teman-temannya juga. Breanne Duren (vocal dan keyboard), Daniel Jorgensen (keyboard dan synth), Hannah Schroeder (cello), Laura Musten (violin) dan Matthew Decker (drum) untuk tampil live

Album Downloads:
Maybe I'm Dreaming (2009)
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All Things Bright And Beautiful (2011)
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